Monday, April 24, 2006

blasé attitude

I'm actually reading "Is genocide preventable", an essay by Thomas Cushman that i consider really good. Just have a look >>HERE<< if you're not busy... That's quite long. His considerations on the blasé attitude and the consumer culture are pretty relevant.

Je viens de lire un essai écrit par un prof de socio américain sur la prévention du génocide. Si vous avez le temps, jetez un coup d'oeil >>ICI<< , ça vaut vraiment le coup. Quelques passages sur l'attitude blasée du citoyen moderne sont vraiment excellents.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Non-cultural God

I just received an email from Roseline, one of the girls who went to Toronto with me this week-end. I wanna share her toughts, as it helps me to realize again - and again, and again - the chance that I have. I easily forgot that what I live is not obvious and normal. We were 12 people coming from Singapore, Mauricius, India, China, Canada, Switzerland, France, Germany, South Africa, Hungary. We all come from different cultures, but we all have the same truth in our heart. I thank God for being above those differences, and to help us growing through relationships.
Thanks Roseline to remind me this opportunity. I don’t wanna look like a spoilt girl. It’s not normal. It’s not a right. It’s a blessing.

Hi guys,

Just wanna share some of my thoughts with you. So bear with me. :)

Last weekend has been the most amazing moment in my life. 12 people from different ends of the world, gathered for a common purpose at such a time as this. This is what I love most about our trip. Because they don't come by everyday. Pretty soon, all of us will go our separate ways in life. We may never meet again. But I thank God for having our paths crossed. It's trully amazing how God works at times. Friends come and go. But they leave behind footprints in our lives.

Thanks guys, for being part of my memories. I will cherish and embrace every moment of it. May we continue to strengthen ourselves in the Lord wherever we may be, living our lives to our fullest potential in Him. I thank God for you people.

God bless you, always.

In His love,

Monday, April 10, 2006


This week-end, I was in Toronto with 11 friends to go to the Hillsong United concert. That was just crazy. Once again, this concert reminds me why I stand up for something that I don't see. This is my strenght, not my weakness.
And once again, it reminds me why Christiannity, lived in a certain way, is not this kind of restrictive religions. Christ brings mercy. Don't try to buy God. I hope I won't try to sell Him.

A thousand times I've failed, still Your mercy remains, and should I stumble again, I'm caught in Your grace.
Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades. Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame.
In my heart and my soul, Lord I give You control. Consume me from the inside out.
Lord, let justice and praise become my embrace to love you from the inside out.